
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Finding ILO IP on your Network from Linux Command Line

How to find all the iLO’s on your network 

Have you ever forgotten an IP address for an iLO on your network? Do you ever wonder “What’s my iLO IP Address?” Maybe you’re using DHCP.

Here is a handy script  wrote by iggy ( to search a local network (using nmap) to find all the iLO’s (HP Integrated Lights-Out adapters). It gives you a list of all the iLO’s found, including their firmware version and server hardware type. It’s a good tool to use when a new iLO firmware version comes out and you need to know which servers need to be updated.This script is written for Linux, but it could be easily modified for other operating systems, as long as the requisite tools are available.

The script works to find all versions of iLO (version 1 and 2), but obviously the iLO’s must be connected to the Ethernet network. Also, this script relies on having Virtual Media enabled at the default tcp port number of 17988 — if this has been changed by the server administrator, then you can modify the script to find iLO’s using the other port number.


As I mentioned before, you first need Linux to use this script. Then you’ll need tr, sed, expr, curl and nmap. The odd balls are curl and nmap – these may not be installed on your system by default.

findilos Script Source Code (download here:

Running the findilos script

Here’s the easy part – running the script. The only command line parameter used is a specification of the network that you want to search. Use the same network specification format used by nmap — the script is just passing it through to nmap:
Example: running findilos on a local network
# findilos
--------------- ------ -------- ------------ -------------------------
iLO IP Address  iLO HW iLO FW   Server S/N   Server Model
--------------- ------ -------- ------------ -------------------------      iLO-2  1.29     UTR21402MP   ProLiant BL460c G1      iLO-2  1.70     2UY24106BX   ProLiant BL460c G1      iLO-2  1.70     2UY24106BT   ProLiant BL460c G1      iLO-2  1.70     2UY25201R5   ProLiant BL460c G1     iLO-2  1.60     2UY24106BJ   ProLiant BL460c G1     iLO-2  1.70     2UY25201RE   ProLiant BL460c G1     iLO-2  1.70     T01BPT917B   ProLiant BL460c G1
7 iLOs found on network target 
Reference Link :

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