
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Debugging virt-v2v

Enable Debugging Level on RHEV  Virt-V2v

 In some case if you get any error while  trying  to migrate some of the virtual machines running on vmware or xen using virt-v2v tools and if you didn't get any error output on the command line then you can increase the virt-v2v  debug level verbosity by following the below steps to narrow down and fix the issue .

Check "netcat"  is installed on the machine that is executing virt-v2v from?

 Log in to the server console ( where v2v is installed ) a root and execute the below command to verify netcat is installed or not on the host .

# which  nc 
# rpm -qf /usr/bin/nc

 If you didn't find any then use the below command to install it .

 yum install nc

Please enable debugging by running following commands to get debug logs on the same terminal console where you executed the above commands .


Now try the earlier virt-v2v command on the same terminal console  and check the console logs for detailed error output

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