
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Announcing the Release of My Book on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

It's been quite long time last i updated this blog. Sorry for that i was quite packed with my  work and writing this book for all of you. 
I’m delighted to announce that my new book, Getting Started with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization was published yesterday, that is, 25th
September. It's available on Amazon [1] and Packt [2] now.
I wrote "Getting Started with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization" to help virtualization beginners and experienced system administrators who are interested in implementing and managing opensource virtualization infrastructures using RHEV.  This book will guide you to step by step in Understanding, Building and Managing Red Hat Enterprise Virtulization  Infrastructure for your Enterprise or for you Own testing.

Get ready and Party with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization !!!! 

If you have any question feel free leave a comment, i will get back to you at the earliest to help you.

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