
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cloud I{ass}P


What is this buzzing around for quite some time around the world? Most of the people who are new to this are looking for some nice cook ups  that unleash cloud fundamentals. But am taking you directly to  nice things i came across under two different service models one IaaS and PaaS.

I will write about the cloud fundamentals  and various Cloud terminologies as a seperate topic soon on my upcoming  blog. By that time If you don't have patience  Its worth have a look on these following two stuffs i feel very interesting on these  two different service models .

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)


Try Aeolus and Manage your cloud deployment with Ease
  Check this nice video  Aeolus Use Case demonstration of an application is defined once, then built and pushed to both RHEV and vSphere, and finally instances deployed and managed from the Aeolus UI.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)


If you are a developer thinks about to develop, build, test, run, and manage their applications on application its worth have a look on  OpenShift and it  provides support for a variety of Programming Languages and frameworks, including Java, Ruby, PHP, Python and more

Check this nice video's on OpenShift Express  & OpenShift Flex

You will See More about this IaaS & PaaS stuffs  on my Upcoming Blog Stay Tuned.....

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