
Monday, March 21, 2011

Enable XBAP on IE9 To Access RHEV Manager

How To access RHEVM on IE9?

 From IE9, .NET Framework XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs) are now prevented from loading from the Internet Zone in IE9. When visiting an Internet site that utilizes an XBAP, an error message is shown, indicating that the application type has been disabled. SO this will diable XBAP Based RHEV-M as well , since all XBAP based applications are disabled by default for non trusted sites in IE9.

To Enable Open IE9-->Tools-->Internet Options-->Security-->Interent Zone-->Custom Level-->Go Under .Net  Framework  and Change XAML Application from default disable to Enable.

Now Close the IE9 and Open a New IE9 Session and it will allow you to access RHEV Manager.

References: Check Red Hat Release notes and MSDN Blog for more Detail

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